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Blumentals Easy GIF Animator - Dengan software ini kita bisa dengan mudah membuat dan mengedit gambar animasi GIF seperti animasi GIF, banner dan button. Untuk outputnya tidak hanya .GIF saja, kita juga bisa meng-export hasil perkerjaan kita ke .AVI, .SWF atau meng-export semua frame yang kita buat ke GIF, JPG/JPEG, PNG dan BMP.
- Easily create animated banners, pictures and buttons
- Create animated GIF images from scratch
- Edit and modify animated GIF images
- Add visual effects to your GIF animation
- Create moving text effects
- Optimize animated GIF images so they take less space and load faster
- Preview GIF animation in web browser
- Resize whole animations at once
- Manage animation frames
- Set animation loop count and frame duration
- Extract separate animation frames
- Reverse GIF animation or a portion of it
- Easily set transparency
- Add sound to your animation
- Save animation in SWF Flash format
- Search the Web to find images for use in your animation
- Export GIF animation to AVI format
- Use GIF, JPG, PNG and BMP images in your animation
- Generate HTML code for publishing animation on the web
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