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Hardware Inspector 5.4.17

Hardware Inspector - is designed to inventory computers and other technology in organizations. Useful for system administrators, staff, department heads computerization and other IT-staff. It is much easier your life, get rid of headaches associated with planning, accounting and computing (and other) hardware.

Hardware Inspector uniqueness of the program is the ability to record not only the current state of computer settings, and throughout the life history of each device.

Key features:
- Accounting is the individual components, rather than simply a description of the parameters of the workstations.
- Tracking the history of moving devices, their repair, preventive maintenance and inventory.
- Ability to not only manual data entry, and import information from a report analyzing the configuration of computers programs AIDA, EVEREST, ASTRA and ASTRA32.
- Accounting software licenses.
- Consideration of requests from users.
- An inventory of devices using bar codes.
- Flexible access control to data.
- Powerful search mechanisms devices, licenses, supplies and other things.
- A wide range of customizable reports, export to various formats.
- Support for multi-user database on the network.
- One license is sufficient for the program any number of installations (see details in the license agreement).

Operating System: Windows ® 2000/XP/Vista/7
Released: 2012
Language: english

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Item Reviewed: Hardware Inspector 5.4.17 Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Putri Kecil