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Genuine Registry Doctor

Genuine Registry Doctor adalah software/tools yang berfungsi untuk memperbaiki kesalahan sitem pada komputer sobat. Genuine Registry Doctor siap untuk mengeksplorasi potensi terbesar PC anda sehingga sobat dapat mengoptimalkan kemampuan dan performa terbaik komputer sobat. Mungkin kecepatan komputer sobat mulai terasa lambat, crash secara tiba-tiba, dan banyak terdapat kesalahan sistem

Program Features:

Solid scan and fix
Completely scan the entire system and diagnose problems of registry, privacy, junk files and system. Genuine Registry Doctor offers you a way to fix all the errors and optimize PC system.

A number of built-in utilities, such as Startup Manager, Disk Cleaner, File Pulverizer, etc., strongly enhance the performance of Genuine Registry Doctor. You just need one small free app to own all the useful functions.

The very smooth download and installation, the clean and well-organized interface, the easy-to-understand navigation make Genuine Registry Doctor extremely easy to handle even for the novices.

100% free and safe
Genuine Registry Doctor would like to allow users to enjoy the free software, clean and safe PC environment. There is no adware, no spyware, no viruses in it, and it will never let you down.

Automatic protection
Genuine Registry Doctor makes all its efforts to protect your PC and your privacy under real-time protection by its smart automatic scan and sweep function.

Homepage - http://www.genuineregistrydoctor.com/

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Item Reviewed: Genuine Registry Doctor Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Putri Kecil