Sebuah dokumen PDF bisa saja diproteksi dengan ‘USER’ password untuk membukanya dan dengan ‘OWNER’ password untuk bisa mengakses fungsi-fungsi khusus dari fitur-fitur yang tersedia seperti: mencetak (printing), mengedit (editing), mengekstrak (extracting), menghapus (deleting), memberi komentar (commenting), mengkopi (copying) teks, gambar dan grafiks; memodifikasi dokumen; dan menambahkan atau memodifikasi catatan teks dan AcroForm fields.
Mengapa kita memerlukan software ini?
Iya, maksud dan tujuan awal orang memproteksi file PDF adalah tentu saja untuk menjaga kerahasiaan file-file yang mereka punya agar tidak bisa dibuka ataupun dimodifikasi oleh sembarang orang. Biasanya model proteksi seperti ini banyak dipakai oleh para blogger ‘senior’ agar hasil karyanya hanya bisa dibuka, akan tetapi tidak bisa diakses secara keseluruhan. Maksudnya para pembaca atau downloader hanya diberikan akses membuka file dan beberapa akses tertentu yang sifatnya umum seperti mencetak (printing) , akan tetapi mereka tidak diperbolehkan mengubah dekumen (change document) ataupun mengkopi isi (content copying).
Bagi teman-teman blogger yang sering melakukan aktifitas blogwalking dengan maksud mencari materi-materi kuliah misalnya atau materi apa saja, biasanya file-file teks yang kita cari di internet berformat PDF. Sialnya selalu saja ada dari para peng-upload materi (tutorial) tidak memberikan password dari file-file yang mereka sediakan. Alasanya sudah tidak asing lagi. UANG! Maksudnya mereka akan memberikan passwordnya dengan imbalan sejumlah uang. Nah, dengan software ini, teman-teman blogger sudah tidak perlu pusing-pusing lagi dengan password tersebut, karena sobat bisa menghilangkan password tersebut! Menarik, bukan?! Tidak perlu menunggu lama-lama, langsung saja unduh software-nya di Link Download di bawah penjelasan berbahasa Inggris berikut ini.
PDF Password Remover (1 MB) can be used to decrypt protected Adobe Acrobat PDF files, which have "owner" password set, preventing the file from editing (changing), printing, selecting text and graphics (and copying them into the Clipboard), or adding/changing annotations and form fields. Decryption is being done instantly. Decrypted file can be opened in any PDF viewer (e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader) without any restrictions -- i.e. with edit/copy/print functions enabled. All versions of Adobe Acrobat (including 5.x, which features 128-bit encryption) are supported.
- Easy to use;
- Support drag and drop PDF files;
- Do NOT need Adobe Acrobat software;
- Support Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7 Systems;
- Support PDF 1.8 (Acrobat 9.x) files, including 40-bit RC4 decryption, 128-bit RC4 decryption, AES decryption, compressed files and unencrypted metadata;
- The speed of decryption is very fast;
- Batch operation on many files from command line;
- Support Adobe Standard 40-bit Encryption, Adobe Advanced 128-bit Encryption and AES Encryption;
How to use the PDF Password Remover product?
- Open the PDF Password Remover program v3.1.
- Click the Open PDF(s) button. Locate the file you would like to remove the passwords, then click the Open button.
- You must now enter a Name for the new PDF file. (Remember! You cannot use the original name of the PDF file, you must change it. The name must be really different with the original one ).
- Click the 'Save' button.
- The above screen will display with the status of the password removal. It should say 'Succeed', Right-click on the entry to view the document.
For most of you, this software is very crucial and important to have. Try it as soon as possible by downloading it from the following Download Links:
Don’t forget to firstly read its INSTALLATION GUIDE in the README(Serial).txt file before installation.
1. To practise using PDF Password Remover 3.12, here I supply one example of PDF file I have protected. Please try to open the file by using PDF Password Remover 3.12 without knowing the password. To get the file, just download it from the link below:
2. Before trying to use PDF Password Remover 3.12, I suggest you to firstly install PDF application in your computer if you don’t have it yet. Here, I recommend you to use Nitro PDF Professional that I'd ever posted in this blog, too. This software is really good and in full version. For you who are interested in it, just click here. Then download and install it in your computer.
2. Before trying to use PDF Password Remover 3.12, I suggest you to firstly install PDF application in your computer if you don’t have it yet. Here, I recommend you to use Nitro PDF Professional that I'd ever posted in this blog, too. This software is really good and in full version. For you who are interested in it, just click here. Then download and install it in your computer.
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